conflictAlgorithm には, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_NONE, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE などの, コンフリクトが発生した場合の処理を指定します。
また, transaction を true にした場合は, トランザクション処理を併用します。
/** * insert a lot of data * * @param nullColumnHack * @param valueList 値のリスト * @param conflictAlgorithm コンフリクト発生時の処理 * @param transaction トランザクション処理を併用するか否か * @return Boolean 成功 or 失敗 */ public Boolean insertMany(SQLiteDatabase db , String table , String nullColumnHack, List<ContentValues> valueList, int conflictAlgorithm, Boolean transaction) { if(valueList != null && valueList.size() > 0){ String[] CONFLICT_VALUES = new String[]{"", " OR ROLLBACK ", " OR ABORT ", " OR FAIL ", " OR IGNORE ", " OR REPLACE "}; // At first, create sql statement ContentValues initialValues = valueList.get(0); // Measurements show most sql lengths <= 152 StringBuilder sql_build = new StringBuilder(152); sql_build.append("INSERT"); sql_build.append(CONFLICT_VALUES[conflictAlgorithm]); sql_build.append(" INTO "); sql_build.append(table); // Measurements show most values lengths < 40 StringBuilder values = new StringBuilder(40); Set<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entrySet = null; if (initialValues != null && initialValues.size() > 0) { entrySet = initialValues.valueSet(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entriesIter = entrySet.iterator(); sql_build.append('('); boolean needSeparator = false; while (entriesIter.hasNext()) { if (needSeparator) { sql_build.append(", "); values.append(", "); } needSeparator = true; Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =; sql_build.append(entry.getKey()); values.append('?'); } sql_build.append(')'); } else { sql_build.append("(" + nullColumnHack + ") "); values.append("NULL"); } sql_build.append(" VALUES("); sql_build.append(values); sql_build.append(");"); String sql = sql_build.toString(); SQLiteStatement statement = null; // if transaction id true, beginTransaction() if(transaction){ db.beginTransaction(); } try { for(int i=0,length=valueList.size(); i<length; i++){ statement = db.compileStatement(sql); initialValues = valueList.get(i); entrySet = initialValues.valueSet(); // Bind the values if (entrySet != null) { int size = entrySet.size(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Object>> entriesIter = entrySet.iterator(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { Map.Entry<String, Object> entry =; DatabaseUtils.bindObjectToProgram(statement, j + 1, entry.getValue()); } } // Run the program and then cleanup statement.execute(); statement.close(); } // if transaction id true, setTransactionSuccessful() if(transaction){ db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); transaction = false; } return true; } catch (SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException e) { throw e; } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } // if transaction id true, endTransaction() if(transaction){ db.endTransaction(); } } } return false; }
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